
3G How To Make Money With iPhone Applications

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Chapter 1 – What Is New With The 3G


The I-Phone 3G is the third generation of the I-Phone, the technological wonder made by Apple that some say will soon replace the laptop.  Unlike traditional cell phones, the I-Phone is used for much, much more.  It is a gateway to the internet.  When you use the I-Phone, you can get music, videos, answer emails, play games and chat, to name a few things.  There are hundreds of I-Phone applications available for this product.


Most people who have the I-Phone 3G are very happy to add to their I-phone applications.  They are constantly looking for new applications that they can use and even share with friends.  These can be anything from a game, a quiz, sending virtual gifts to friends, videos, music and more.  Those who have some type of computer knowledge, or are able to follow software direction to create applications for the I-Phone can make a decent amount of money with selling I-Phone applications.  This can even occur online, right on the Apple site.


If you are not familiar the I-Phone 3G, take a look at it.  You can use the touch screen to get to wherever you want to go online.  You can even use this device for GPS tracking, if you have the necessary applications.  Some of new features of the 3G I-Phone include:


  • More initial applications
  • Better graphics
  • Touch screen capability
  • Better sound


The 3G is the latest of the I-Phone generations.  Many of the applications that were made for older I-Phones are still used in this newest version.  Apple usually makes products that can be used for long periods of time and do not require constant updates.  Applications that you create for the 3G I-Phones will also most likely be used with newer generations of this product.


If you have an I-Phone 3G, you should check out the applications as well as the applications that are available online for the device.  Some of the popular applications to download onto the I-Phones include:


  • Games
  • Quizzes
  • Chat Options
  • News Streams
  • Instant Messaging
  • Music videos
  • Movies
  • Video creation
  • Weather
  • GPS
  • Shopping


And a lot more.  It seems that new applications are being added to the repertoire for the 3G I-Phone every day.  And they are.  Video gifts, quizzes, games and fun are limited only by the imagination of those who use the product.  If you have ever created an application on Facebook, you understand that it is not difficult, even if you are not a computer genius.


Most likely, you get pleasure when someone uses your applications that you create on Facebook.  The difference between creating those applications and those for the I-Phone is that you can actually make money when creating I-Phone 3G applications in more than one way.  You can make money by coming up with a fun application that everyone will want to use as well as make money on free applications on which you place ads.


There are also many ways that you can distribute your I-Phone applications for free or for pay.  We will discuss the ways that you can distribute and sell your applications for the I-Phone later in this book.



Chapter 2 – What Are I-Phone Applications


There is no end in sight to I-Phone applications.  They range from finding stock quotes to playing an interactive video game.  There are thousands of I-Phone applications and more around all of the time.


Some of the interesting I-Phone applications include:


  • Interactive video games that you play with other users
  • Interactive sound that will tell you the name of a song when you put the phone up to it
  • Ability to unlock car and house doors
  • Ability to get onto Facebook
  • Creating videos
  • Creating photo slideshows
  • Symbols and sounds to use in chat
  • Ability to chat
  • Virtual gifts
  • GPS navigation system
  • Theft alarm


These are just a few of the I-Phone applications that are already available.  You can find them at various places online or you can find them at the Apple website.  The sky is truly the limit when it comes to creating I-Phone applications.


Most 3G I-Phone applications fulfill a need that someone has, even if it is a creative need.  There are so many ideas for I-Phone applications that are only hampered by imagination.  The old saying that if you can think it, it can be done, applies heavily to this system.  If you can think of something that would make sense on an I-Phone for an application, then chances are that you can create it using software that is made for this purpose.


In order to create I-Phone applications that people will want to use and will earn you money, you need to think about what the needs are of others.  If you can latch onto an idea, then you need to bring it to fruition with your I-Phone applications.


A great many I-Phone applications are created out of necessity.  If you happen to be using the I-Phone, for example, you may find that you need to do something for which there is no application.  Just think, if you have a need for a certain application for the I-Phone 3G, so might other people.  This is how most good products are invented.  There is a need that needs to be fulfilled by a product.  Someone with an imagination can make a lot of money when they combine their imagination with their own special talent and create an I-Phone application to make money.



Chapter 3 – How To Create I-Phone Applications


The easiest way to create an I-Phone application is to purchase software that is made for this purpose.  If you can follow the prompts on a software package, you can create your own I-Phone application. This is the best way that you can get started with this process.    An I-Phone application is called a widget.  It is software that is relatively easy to create.  You can go to Google and download software for creating Widgets and use that to create your application.   You will create your I-Phone application by using software that you download to your own computer.  The widget or application will be created on your own computer.


It is not difficult to get widget tools.  You can get gadgets or widgets, both are on Google and Yahoo respectively.  You can also get generic widget software to create your application.  If you decide to create and distribute through the Apple site, you can download an application builder that gives you all of the tools that you need to create your own widget and get started with building the widget, debugging it and also distributing it.  You will need to go through the debug step before you can upload your application to your Apple account.


If you are very tech savvy, you might want to create your own application by using basic internet tools. You can download free tools that will enable you to create your own applications.  Many of the applications for the I-Phone are internet related.  By working with a site and basic I-Phone technology skills, you can create an I-Phone application.  If you can build a widget, you can make money on it by selling it outright on your own website, without having to use the Apple site.


You can get free I-Phone application software by looking for web software that you can download for free.  The same software that can be used for web design and other web applications on your computer can be used to make applications for your I-Phone.


If you have application creation software for your website, you are all set.  You should create the application on your own computer website and then download it to your I-Phone.  Creating applications for the I-Phone are just like creating anything for a website.


If you do not have a website, you should get one.  Whereas it used to be very expensive to have a website designed years ago, much has changed.  There are many web applications out there that will help you design your own website.  You can also download applications for free.  If you have a website, chances are that your hosting site will have tools that you can use to not only create your site, but also to create applications for your I-Phone.  You can download the applications that you create on your computer to your I-Phone just as you would download any other application.  You can choose to use the application for yourself, or you can also choose to distribute it to others.


There are various web tools that you can use for free online.  You should look for web tools that are both PC and Mac compatible.  Just as the I-Pod is compatible with both PC and Mac users, you should be sure that the tools you use are compatible with a Mac product.


Creating applications is not difficult.  Once you understand how to use software that can create the applications that you want, you can usually find tutorials online.  Make your first application an easy one, such as a feed from a local news site.  This will give you a general idea of the basic components of the I-Phone application.


If you have web design knowledge, it will be even easier for you to create an I-phone application.  If you do not have any ability when it comes to web design or are not computer savvy, but have some great ideas on I-Phone applications that you can create, you can still do so by working with a partner.

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