
4 Steps To Permanent Weight Loss

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can’t believe I’m actually writing “the” book that is going to help you achieve the level of health and fitness that you have always dreamed of. Me. Little, scrawny, sickly Darlene that was always last picked in gym class and couldn’t run a block to save her life. There’s

power in a good story so here is mine:

I spent most of my childhood and young adult years struggling with my health. I battled severe allergies, asthma, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and low self-esteem for as long as I could remember. I grew up sickly, weak and defeated. I was told not to over-exert myself, take my medicines regularly and make the best of it. I wasn’t encouraged to play outside for fear of my allergies and asthma “getting stirred up” and needless to say sports were out of the question. One year I attempted to play softball – but it’s hard to want to try at something where you get made fun of regularly…so I rarely played. During my college years I was in and out of the emergency room with “tummy” complications due to my spastic colon, IBS and poor diet. I continued to battle with my health until my mid 20’s. One day I got SICK AND TIRED of being SICK AND TIRED. I had to take control and take back my life.

I studied food and how it affected my body. I began to make healthier choices and was blown over by the way I started to feel. I had energy, felt great and best of all my IBS and “tummy problems” just disappeared! I felt so good that I started to exercise. Me, Exercise! WOW! It wasn’t easy and I had to crawl before I could walk BUT I DID IT! The girl who couldn’t even run in gym class or do a single push up was jogging daily and lifting weights. I couldn’t believe how my body was transforming before my eyes. I went from being the scrawny, sickly girl to a fit, new and improved version of me. The thing that amazed me the most was that my allergies even improved, anyone suffers from them knows how big of a statement that is! I took control of my health which eventually helped me focus more on my marriage (nearly 15 years and stronger than ever), dive deeper in my faith, gain self confidence and reach a level happiness in life I never thought possible.

Well, 9 years and 2 kids later I’m still at it. I am allergy, asthma, spastic colon and IBS FREE! I have finally found peace in my own skin and I am in the best shape of my life. I now take great pride in dedicating my time to helping others feel better and look better than ever before.

(If you want to get my entire story check out

So are you ready for this kind of life change? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Great! Let’s see if you are ready to get started.

Step 1


I have trained many people over the years. I have trained the young, old, over-weight, under- weight, athletic and sedentary. There is one key element they must have before I will even begin to train them. They must be ready and willing to change their lifestyle. You must be willing to make changes to your eating habits and exercise on a regular basis. You must be willing to cut back on certain foods and find time in your busy schedule for exercise. I can’t tell you how many people expect major change for very little effort. (hence all of the fad diets and weight-loss-in-a –

-pill products) Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way! I don’t do diets! I demand that people stop the quick-fix mentality and start investing in permanent lifestyle change. Ooohhhhh, I know that sounds so scary right now but I’m not talking about giving up chocolate cake and pizza for the rest of your life. I’m talking about moderation and more importantly – BALANCE. So you need to take a hard look at your life, commitment level and the importance of this change in your life. Are you ready?

Start with the KISS plan…

Keep It Simple Stupid

Being healthy is NOT rocket science.

  • Educate yourself so there is no doubt in your mind about how you should be exercising and what you should be eating.

  • Surround yourself with the people, places and things that will aid in your success.

  • Don’t overanalyze everything…JUST DO IT! Sure, you will screw up but you will learn from those mistakes.

But I have tried and fail so many times before.” Let me ask you…was it a balanced, sound program? Or was it a quick fix in a bottle, no carbs, no fat, stand on your head and basically-make-you-miserable-program?

Diet programs that make unrealistic claims and ask you to eliminate key elements of a balanced diet DO NOT WORK!

The key word is BALANCE!


Like Nike says JUST DO IT! Do what you know you need to do for your physical health but also for your mental and spiritual health. By achieving better health you reward yourself with more energy, self-confidence, better attitude and an empowered spirit. There is no limit to what you can achieve.

So what do you do first?

Let’s start with four questions… I want you to write down answers and thoughts to the following on a piece of paper. We will use these notes later.

Am I ready to make the changes necessary to live a healthier, more active life?
  • Why are you doing this? For your health? family? someone else?

  • Are you satisfied with your health, fitness level, confidence, energy level?


BE honest! Check all that apply to you:

  • I take responsibility for the current condition of my body.

  • I am ready to make the necessary healthy changes to my diet. Even if it means cutting back on my favorite fatty and high calorie foods.

  • I am ready to start exercising regularly. I will find time to fit it into my busy schedule.

  • I am looking permanent weight loss NOT a quick fix that only lasts a short time.

  • I understand that achieving weight loss is a step towards better health. I know that all my problems will NOT magically go away when I lose the weight.

  • I want to lose weight for me and my health. NOT simply because my doctor, spouse and society says so.

  • I will NOT start conversations about exercise with “I can’t do that because…”.

  • I WILL NOT quit because I’m not seeing results fast enough.

  • I refuse to accept a life of defeat!

If you checked most of these boxes you are one step closer to wellness success. It’s really important for you to understand that this journey is going to require effort, dedication and patience. If you didn’t check most of the boxes above you may not be ready for lifestyle change. This journey is not an easy one. If you must be ready… mind, body and soul. There is no way you will make a complete transformation if you are not open to change. You will just continue on the yo-yo start-and-stop of yet another program. Search your heart. See if you can dig down deep enough this time to pull out what you need to achieve success. I know you have it in you! It’s just up to you to dig deep enough and search your spirit hard enough to make it stick this time.

What is my motivation?
  • What is in our future if we don’t change our unhealthy habits?

  • Don’t we owe it to our family?..especially our children!

Let’s take a minute to do a really eye opening exercise.

  1. Move forward to the time when your children (child) are grown. If you do not have children use another family member or friend. I want you to write their biography as if you died today. What will your child’s (or other) life be like? How will it affect them if you keep on the path that you are on right now?

  2. Now write the biography as if you make the changes you know you need to make. How will their life be affected if you make better choices and lifestyle changes, today!

WOW, eye opening stuff. If this doesn’t put things into perspective for you I don’t know what will!

Where do I start?
  • What are your (realistic) short-term, long-term and motivational goals?

  • Make a plan using a daily log book.

  • Visualize your success!

  • Meditate/Pray for encouragement at moments of weakness & to regain focus.

  • Educate yourself on what and how you need to eat and exercise.

How do I take action?
  • Don’t diet! Make healthy lifestyle changes. People don’t fail at diets, diets fail people!

  • Find what exercise you like and make it a priority! No more excuses.

  • Educate yourself on how, what and when to eat healthfully.

  • Find someone who will encourage you, build you up & be firm with you (in a loving way). You need someone to hold you accountable! Hire a trainer or ask a friend… don’t go it alone.

  • JUST DO IT! No more excuses! Refuse to accept a life of defeat!

  • Read on…

So you what do you think? ARE YOU READY? Are you willing to do the things I just told you about? You know what you MUST do. Now I’m going to tell you HOW to do it!

Step 2



efore you can even think about what to eat and how to workout you need to get into your head. You see, I have watched countless people start the lifestyle change process

only to quit three weeks later. There is so much more to it that eating right and working out. You MUST dig deep inside to find out what led to your current health status and find out what will motivate you to success. Let’s start digging…


You got yourself into this mess now it’s up to you to get yourself out! No one forced you to gain weight or become unhealthy. Before you can go forward on this journey you must take responsibility for your actions. It’s not your best friend’s fault because she ordered dessert or your kids because they keep you nusy running them around. You make your own choices and the sooner you realize the ball is always in your court the closer you are to weight loss success.


Yeah, you’ve made some poor choices in the past. All those choices have led you to the shape you’re in right now. Why do we eat an entire box of Girl Scout cookies at one time? Why do use our treadmill as a clothes line? There are many reasons for this behavior: self- pity, poor attitude, depression, lack of focus, no plan, laziness, no will-power, emotional turmoil and stress, to name a few. Some times there can be deep emotional scars from a childhood trauma or emotional event that needs to be addressed. Sometimes these type of pent-up emotions can prevent weight loss or lifestyle change. I recommend seeing a therapist or pastor to truly get to the heart of the matter. Leave all that old stuff behind and start clean.

The new you is just around the corner.

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