
7 Week Slim Down

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1 – From People Consuming an Excessive Amount of
Bad Food.
The first big reason why so many people are fat is their
terrible diets. Too many calories often coming from horrid
food choices, empty calories from sugar filled soft drinks,
poorly thought out and timed carbohydrates, fried foods.
The list is near endless, but I’m sure you get the point. A
great deal of people put no thought into their diet at all
and are basically poisoning themselves in something akin
to the film “Super-Size Me”. Haven’t seen the movie?
Well you should.
2- From People Being Almost Totally Inactive.
Exercise can make up some of the ground lost from a
poor diet. Real exercise, not five minutes of walking up a
flight of stairs or a few sets of sit ups once a week. The
fact that a great many people don’t exercise at all and
instead lead quite sedentary lives is a huge factor why
they and others like them are getting fatter and fatter
every year.
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OK, so that’s the bad news. It’s best to get it over with so
we can see how important it is to buck these trends. Our
very lives could hang in the balance. Looking good and
feeling healthy certainly does.
Now for the good news! If you don’t want to be one of the
fat and sick you can choose not to be.
Getting fit requires some discipline and some hard work,
but seven weeks of both can transform your body into
something that looks and feels great.
You’ve got the information in front of you. I’ve seen this
method work again and again, for the young and old for
both men and women. All it requires is heart and focus.
Are you ready to step away from the pack?
You’ve already committed and gotten a copy of our 7
week slim down weight loss challenge. I have faith you
can take the next two important steps of reading the
guide and acting on the information I’m about to share
with you.
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A lifetime of great looks and vibrant dynamic health is
Make no mistake you can do it.
Let’s get started!
The 7 Week Slim Down
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Before we get into the “how” and “why” of our 7 Week
Slim Down there’s two things we need to cover that can
really help you accomplish even your wildest fitness
dreams. Both are x-factors that are often skipped over in
other programs and by other fitness instructors. Don’t
make that mistake because they are absolute 100%
game changers that can help motivate you even in the
worst of times.

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