
Essential Internet Marketing

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Some Essentials You’ll Need Before You Start
There are certain things that every internet marketer needs before they
can start building their business.
The first thing you’ll need is web hosting – a place to store your websites
and files online.
Now there ARE free hosting solutions out there but I wouldn’t really
recommend them because they are often slow and place unwanted
adverts onto your websites. You also have to place consideration on
reliability. Many free sites are known to go down more often and result
in lost customers.
The good news however is that even paid hosting is extremely cheap.
Simple hosting packages can be picked up for less than $10 a month –
and they’ll probably give you most of the things you need.
Look out for a hosting provider that uses C-Panel. Don’t worry too much
about the technicalities of this – it’s simply a control panel which makes
installing things on your website as simple as clicking a few buttons.
There are lots of different hosting providers out there and different
people will recommend different solutions. Hostgator is one of the most
well known and is popular amongst internet marketers. Another is

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