
Facebook Nation

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Facebook Advertising And Your Business
An estimated 50 percent of active Facebook users take the time to log into Facebook each and
every day. That’s some 200 million people coming to this site daily.
The amount of time people spend on Facebook means there is an advertising goldmine waiting
for you. Just think of all the new people you could expose your brand to with very little effort.
Facebook isn’t a site that people login to and leave right away. As of July 2011 an estimated 700
billion minutes are spent by users on the site each and every month. This means a lot of time
clicking through pages and gaining exposure to ads and plenty of other materials.
Here are a few FB Stats.
More than 500 million active users
50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook
This is Global reach!
If it’s your intent to market to a global clientele, Facebook is the place to turn for assistance. This
site has 70 different translations available for just about every country on the map. In fact, an
estimated 70 percent of the site’s users are living outside of the United States. This means
Facebook advertisers can target people living just about anywhere in the world or they can
attempt to reach them all with a broad-based campaign.
Facebook’s overall monthly usage statistics make it one of the biggest players on the Internet
today. If you’re ready to give up on Adwords, Facebook has the exposure your advertising needs
to capture attention, siphon traffic in your direction and help you realize your sales goals.
While the numbers clearly speak for themselves, there are other factors that make this site
attractive to online marketers. The social aspect of the site can work as a powerful force in savvy
advertisers’ favour. Plus, the targeting potential bores down deeper than a search engine could
possibly pull off.
You’ve been working hard to introduce your business to as many potential target customers as
possible – the ones who will find your products irresistible, and eagerly spend money. You’ve
done it through SEO, social networking, press releases, article marketing and perhaps even a
pay-per-click campaign like Google AdWords. In short, you’ve used all the traditional (and not
so traditional) ways that help online business catch on like wildfire.
But have you considered Facebook advertising yet? If not, you may not be aware of this
comparatively new source of targeted customers – the sort who you may not be able to reach by
traditional means.
Exactly what is Facebook advertising, and why should you consider it?
You’ve seen them yourself, most likely… those ads running down the
right-hand side of your Facebook pages, most of them about interests
you particularly enjoy.
You are not seeing the same ads as everyone else accessing Facebook at
that moment. These ones are specifically targeted to data Facebook has
gleaned from your preferences and other sources.
Facebook ads are simple but powerful. Each one consists of a title, text
block and graphic or photo of your choice – all within a 110px X 80px
“box”, to fit that vertical, right-hand Facebook sidebar.
If you think of them as a cross between a Twitter tweet and a banner ad,
you’ve just about got the picture!
And yes – they absolutely can advertise your:
 Product
 Services
 Contest
 Cause
 Links
 Photos
 Videos
 Business USP
 Business Event
As well as integrating:
 Your offline promotions with your online
 Real-time information for your “likesumers”

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