
Making Sense of Google Adsense

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Chapter 1
AdSense in Depth
The AdSense Options
Google AdSense comes in three incarnations and each is designed for a different
purpose, these are; AdSense for content, AdSense for search, and Premium
AdSense. Google AdSense is an easy program to apply for as there in no
minimum traffic requirements. The important factor is the kind of content on the
site. The content must be deemed as acceptable for Google to be willing for a
site to display it ads. In addition, Google will only allow for a single ad per web
site, either a horizontal banner across the top of the site or a vertical column also
known as a “skyscraper.” The good news is that you can have this service on
any or all web pages you have with the same ad code and although only one ad
will show at a time, there are a number of ads that will cycle on the page.
AdSense for Content
Google’s AdSense for content is the primary service of this kind. These
advertisements are associated to the content found on the intended webpage,
these ads are a source of income for which all you have to do is provide articles,
or have good content on your webpage. You get paid for every time a person
clicks on one of these ads, ads which are there strictly by the virtue of the content
which your page contains and you get paid for providing these ads. Since the
ads are aligned according to the content found, if the content of the page
changes, the ads will change to match whatever content is found on that page.
This process is automated but still allows a large measure of control over what
advertisements will get served on your web page.
As the publisher for advertisements on your web page, you have the power to
decide what ads you do not want. This makes good sense because it gives you
ultimate control over what is advertised in association with your web page. For
instance, you may not want to show ads for your competitors, in such a case you
simply inform Google of which companies you do not want advertised on your
A further level of control is having the ability to review ads and set filters. Google
has its own set of guidelines for advertisement content, such as use of language
and discrimination. These ads are automatically filtered and will not show on
your site. Beyond Google’s default filtering you can create your own site specific
filters. This offers a finer level of control besides just blocking an advertiser all
together. This allows you to show some of an advertiser’s content while blocking
other ads, meaning ads can be allowed on an individual basis. Should a
situation arise where Google’s content engines are not able to specify ads to web
sites, Google will allow you to decide which ads you want to show. If no
selection is made then you will get public service ads in their place.
To ensure that ads displayed on the website look like they belong, you have the
option to customize the displayed ads with color and layout. Some options will
be provided, but you may also have your own custom layout and color scheme
applied to the advertisements. Since the ads are showing on your webpage, the
advertisers have no control over the appearance of their ad. You have ultimate
control over the appearance of the ad, not just whether the ad appears or what
kind of ads will show on your site. Knowing how effective the ads showing on
your site are is crucial. The AdSense service from Google includes an array of
comprehensive reports that show your earnings and the performance of the ads
according to various metrics, such as color, size, etc. This tool is invaluable as it
allows you customize your site for maximum earning potential with the ads
placed on the website.
AdSense for Search
This program affords visitors to your website a huge level of convenience by
adding a Google Search box onto the web page. Providing this option to visitors
is a huge benefit to you as the publisher in sense that a visitor would never have
to leave your page to search the internet. This increases productivity for you by
allowing the customer to stay on your site and be exposed to the ads shown
there because you are hosting Google Search. When a visitor searches from
your website, when the results page comes up, Google Ads are included in the
results as always. If said visitor clicks on any of the ads that come up from the
search they initiated from your website, you get paid for that as well. This opens
up a huge potential for earning from ads that are not even displayed on the

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