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Introduction to Online Marketing Using Email
Lists as a Marketing Tool
As a business entrepreneur there are numerous ways to increase your
sales and better market yourself and your abilities. One of the most
common, and most profitable, ways to increase your network is through
online marketing.
Online marketing is a must for anyone who owns their own business or has
a product or an idea they’re trying to sell. Twenty years ago online
marketing wouldn’t have gotten you very far, but now the internet is the
quickest, and most productive, way to get your idea out there into the
One of the most useful methods of online marketing is email marketing.
Email marketing does a number of helpful things for you. Email marketing:
 Allows you to reach many people at once
 Gives you an unlimited number of contacts
 Is more affordable than regular mail
 It’s easy to update
These points are very important for today’s marketing entrepreneur. Let’s
talk about the first point. Email marketing allows you to reach a number of
people at once.
Allows You to Reach Many People at Once
When I say ‘A number of people’ I don’t just mean ten or twenty, I’m talking
hundreds and thousands. You might have a hundred email addresses to
work with and email marketing will let you get through to all of them.
It’s not only that you can email many people; the great thing about email
marketing is also that you can email many people at once and say the
same thing to them. In other words, you don’t have to re-write the email
over and over.
One of the things I find about hand writing letters and advertisements is
that although it is still a lot less informal, it is sloppy.
Hand writing all of your clients means you either a) Write hundreds of letter
until your wrists are stiff and your fingers ache, or b) write one letter and
photocopy it which doesn’t look nearly as impressive as handwriting them.
Email correspondence saves you a lot of trouble because nobody expects
a handwritten online letter. You don’t have to worry about photocopies and
buying stamps, all you have to do is write a brilliant advertisement or
newsletter and send it through multiple emails. You can also copy and
paste the letter if your email list is too large to send that many messages at
Gives You an Unlimited Number of Contacts
That brings me to my second point. Email lists can be unlimited. Yes,
addresses in your personal organizer can be unlimited as well, but emails
are so much easier to keep up with. You don’t have to worry about losing
your address book or one of your clients moving and you not having the
new address. With your email list you can almost guarantee their email
address is going to be the same every time you make contact with them, no
matter how far away they moved.
Keeping your email list organized is also much easier than you think, in
fact, most providers, such as Google, keep your contacts organized
An autoresponder service such as would be the choice if
you’re looking for a complete email marketing solution – from getting your
site visitors to subscribe for updates to easily sending out a newsletter to
them. I’ll discuss more on this in the next few pages

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